#Decentralized Web

Riad Ladjel : Web3 Researcher at Quadratic

Riad is exploring the potential of blockchain and the decentralized web for businesses. By joining Quadratic, he has found a stimulating environment that bridges his PhD background and his interest in high-stakes operational projects.


Riad, your background in a few words?

Riad Ladjel: I obtained a Master's degree in Algebra applied to cryptography and a Master's degree in Data Management at the University of Paris Saclay. I then did a thesis and a post-doc atInria. The goal was to design a generic distributed computing protocol that scales up and allows to cross personal data of several users while offering strong security and privacy guarantees.

Your thesis subject is closely related to the work you are doing today at Quadratic...

R.L.: Indeed, I am working on Zero-Knowledge Rollups, a new generation of protocol that allows to directly influence the performance and the cost of operations performed on a blockchain with a high level of security.

"My dual background in mathematics and computer science clearly helps me understand the scientific and operational challenges of Web3."

Can you explain the Zero-Knowledge Rollups?

R.L.: By definition, a submitted calculation - a transaction or a smart contract - is executed on all the validating nodes of the network. As the number of users increases, the network becomes congested and the cost of some operations can become exorbitant. Simply put, ZK Rollups deport the calculations to a single computer located on a second layer of the network. This lightens the load on the main network and greatly reduces the cost of the operation.

Still it is necessary that this computer proves that it carried out the calculations well...

R.L.: Yes, and this is the case since ZK Rollups are based on the transmission of a cryptographic proof called Zero-Knowledge Proof. In fact, the off-chain calculation must generate the same level of security as the on-chain calculation and therefore transmits to the main network, which verifies it, a cryptographic proof of correct execution of the calculations. Another advantage is that ZK Rollups are more frugal than traditional blockchain protocols, so they contribute to a certain energy sobriety towards which the Web3 must strive.

Besides this R&D activity, are you working on other projects in production?

R. L.: Yes, I am currently working on the implementation of a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO). This is a decentralized organization whose governance rules are automated and written in a blockchain protocol. This innovative management model is based on the transparency of the actions carried out. At Quadratic, for example, the employee incentive scheme is based on a DAO. I participate in the design and development of this DAO using Cairo, a new programming language used by Starknet, a ZK Rollup protocol backed by the Ethereum blockchain.

Why is Cairo a specific programming language?

R. L.: Cairo is special because it is a computer language built on the mathematical paradigm of the ZK Proofs that we just talked about. With Cairo, it is not only a question of knowing how to code but also of understanding the logical underpinnings. My double background in mathematics and computer science clearly helps me to understand this specificity and more broadly the scientific and operational stakes of Web3.

Precisely, what is your perception of the Web3 ecosystem, especially in light of your experience in research? Do you feel like you belong?

R. L.: It's a very stimulating environment in which I find myself very well. The research conducted on Web3 technologies calls on very advanced technical and scientific concepts in cryptography and distributed computing that I can apply directly to operational subjects, on services with a high economic stake. So yes, between applied research and development of technological solutions, I am perfectly in my element here.


Riad Ladjel holds a PhD in Computer Science (Inria) and is a specialist in cryptographic protocols.

Within Quadratic, he works as a Data Scientist | Web3 Researcher on the Decentralized Web and Extended Finance competencies.

Find the thesis of Riad Ladjel :

Distributed and secure computing for the personal cloud

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Riad Ladjel : Web3 Researcher at Quadratic
#Decentralized Web
Account Abstraction: major advances in Self Custody coming soon?
#Decentralized Web
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